Storytelling and more.
Fresh journeys, even with the old favourites

News update.
The storytelling gig was a success. We learned how I rescued a polar bear and quite a bit about Selkies.
Eve and I have started to plan another one for October
You could of course get us to come to a venue of your choice for a reasonable fee. Eve has quite a few mythical stories, I prefer the ones that make you think or groan.
I've also been doing lots more first aid training just lately and the Fire Marshall training is ticking over too. Ever wanted to know what fire extinguisher does what? I can tell you and even let you set one off.
Meanwhile the stories and the very bad jokes on my FB page continue.
I haven't made a large artwork in some while now. The maze at the East Anglian Storytelling festival was suitably amazing. I can show you and a few friends how to get properly lost in a large space.
Why not take a trip around the website to learn more about what I do?
For my blog go to
(when I get around to blogging again)